Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Surviving Reality

I've just been reading my lovely 'Elle' and one of the first articles I page to, (after of course guiltily peaking at my horoscope and hoping for an influx of instant cash or a whirlwind romance) is Poppy Evans' (newly promoted to Elle's fashion director) last page article. This month she spoke about the reality of working in the fashion industry. How difficult it is, how it's perceived glamour is truly a minimal portion of the bigger picture. How fashion interns spend their days in the closet organising clothing from over 500 suppliers and doing endless coffee runs. I admire Poppy, I have to say, she's made it to the dream job at the age of just 24! Jealous much..

I can't compare what she described as the hard work it takes to make it to the top with what I'm doing to make it. Although I'd love to compete on a one-for-one level it's just not the same. I chose the 'designer' route, and I'll console myself that one day they'll be negotiating with me to grace their pages in all my label's fabulousness! A girl's gotta dream..

Everyday as I walk into my gorgeous mess of a studio, I tell myself to 'buck-up' take the day and make it mine. I start with a little procrastination for my blog reads, it's gathering inspiration and staying in the know with the fashion and style scene, it's totally work! Designer Jessica Hische once said, "The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life." Agreed.

So let me tell you how I continue to get out of bed every morning and chase this dream that at most times actually feels like the banging of my head against a wall.
It's my undying love and the 'everything' I find to fulfill me in fashion. Bill Cunningham, the original street style photographer said, "Fashion is the armour to survive the realities of everyday life."
It sure is mine. The perfect get-up and an insatiable passion for clothing and style really can create the feeling of being untouchable. More than keeping track of the hardships and continual reality checks, isn't that what it really takes to get to the top?

Put on your armour, and stay fabulous fashionistas!

Melissa Jane

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