Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sprinkling Some 'Pretty'

I found this shoot at Titled, 'Feeling Feminine' it got me thinking. There is a softness, a subtlety, a lightness in femininity. The luxury in being a woman is a quality we sometimes forget to portray. It's not about always putting on a brave face and trying to take over the world. Sometimes it's just as fabulous to appreciate our vulnerability. These pictures reminded me of that, so of course I had to share and sprinkle some 'pretty' on my fellow fashionista's worlds.

feminine1 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine3 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine5 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine6 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine7 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine8 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine9 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

feminine10 Kate by Anna Palma in Feeling Feminine for Fashion Gone Rogue

Melissa Jane

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Perfect Man

As you scroll down to what has me super excited about mens wear, notice how trends in fashion right now have crossed gender lines. Mixing prints, tailored pants, even a patent clutch. Well, 'mutch' in this case. (That's man-clutch, incase you aren't familiar with the lingo.) The Burberry Men's Spring/Summer 2013 collection had me dreaming of the perfect man as I sat in bed last night researching for future posts. Strange though that once I eventually fell asleep I was dating a tiny chinese man.. Weird.. and beside the point.

Now I realise that it's doubtfull that I'll come across a 'Burberry' man in the street dressed head-to-toe in all this perfection. But that's exactly what I love about runway. You can achieve perfection there, view an ideal look and admire it as it effortlessly struts in all it's uncompromised glory. We're not meant to emmulate entire designer collections and wear them as cookie cutter copies, more so, we take inspiration from them and use the elements to achieve our own personal style. I love that the runway will always give us the mark, a higher standard to be better at dressing ourselves. Designer's give us images of a lifestyle, and a persona without which the industry would falter, we'd be lost, not knowing what to buy into. If you're not open to try and dress as impeccably as possible each day and look like the image you've invested to become, are you not lost? Looking to the runway and it's flawlessness you get a feeling for who the person they've created is, how this man/woman lives. Remember that, when before you're able to explain who you are to someone new, they've done this to you, their perception of you set in a glance.

You ponder that and I'll get back to pondering my perfect man..

Images from The Sartorialist

Melissa Jane

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Surviving Reality

I've just been reading my lovely 'Elle' and one of the first articles I page to, (after of course guiltily peaking at my horoscope and hoping for an influx of instant cash or a whirlwind romance) is Poppy Evans' (newly promoted to Elle's fashion director) last page article. This month she spoke about the reality of working in the fashion industry. How difficult it is, how it's perceived glamour is truly a minimal portion of the bigger picture. How fashion interns spend their days in the closet organising clothing from over 500 suppliers and doing endless coffee runs. I admire Poppy, I have to say, she's made it to the dream job at the age of just 24! Jealous much..

I can't compare what she described as the hard work it takes to make it to the top with what I'm doing to make it. Although I'd love to compete on a one-for-one level it's just not the same. I chose the 'designer' route, and I'll console myself that one day they'll be negotiating with me to grace their pages in all my label's fabulousness! A girl's gotta dream..

Everyday as I walk into my gorgeous mess of a studio, I tell myself to 'buck-up' take the day and make it mine. I start with a little procrastination for my blog reads, it's gathering inspiration and staying in the know with the fashion and style scene, it's totally work! Designer Jessica Hische once said, "The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life." Agreed.

So let me tell you how I continue to get out of bed every morning and chase this dream that at most times actually feels like the banging of my head against a wall.
It's my undying love and the 'everything' I find to fulfill me in fashion. Bill Cunningham, the original street style photographer said, "Fashion is the armour to survive the realities of everyday life."
It sure is mine. The perfect get-up and an insatiable passion for clothing and style really can create the feeling of being untouchable. More than keeping track of the hardships and continual reality checks, isn't that what it really takes to get to the top?

Put on your armour, and stay fabulous fashionistas!

Melissa Jane

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Return Of The Crop Top

I never thought I'd see the day.. I am so hesitant to even highlight this trend for the reason that if interpreted with the wrong decade in mind fashion will move back in time to scar itself once again.
It's the return of the cropped top. And let me say now, it is the one thing getting me through this awful cold with my sights set firmly on a Spring sassily sprinkled with bright prints and bare mid riffs. The trend has come back superbly, backed by key ways to sport this look that keep it fresh and completely void of any 'nineties-girls-gone-wild' hideousy.


Rebecca Minkoff
Give me a slouchy, high-waisted pant any day. I love the 'rule-following' we can take from this too - Pick a body part to expose and cover up the rest. This fitted white version is perfection!

Bill Blass
 A more understated version with the layering of a blazer. I'm totally seeing my S/S uniform unfold..

Roland Mouret
 A bra-top, an ultra modern knod to retro - so very now.

Donna Karan
 Keepint tribal on the cards, love it! Does anything scream Spring more than a printed A-line?

Preppy in a collared crop. This is for sure going to be one of my fave looks to re-create.

Trusted to keep it sexy.

Nina Ricci 
Teamed with the perfect pencil. Yummy..

Remember to keep it classy gals. Note the all round high waists, not a belly in sight or a hated hipster over-flow to be seen. The look is tailored and chic.

Best order that ab cruncher..

Stay fabulous fashionistas!

Melissa Jane

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blanket Coats

Feeling the bitter chill of Winter setting in? Here is my fave new answer to keeping out the cold.
The Blanket Coat.

Seen across the Winter runways, you'll have your pic from navajo prints, colour blocks and geometric shapes. I can see myself totally getting on board with this trend. Who wouldn't want to carry that 'cuddled-up' feeling all through the day from bed to office and back?

The blanket coat as seen at Kenzo

Keep it cosy fashionistas!

Melissa Jane

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Taking To The Streets

I'm back in full swing design mode! The retail market being what it is, SomersetJane has been making slow changes as a business. In short, I as the designer, will be getting behind sales, no longer will we only be supplying stores - SJ is going on the road! This weekend will be the first of many Saturdays where you'll find our stand at the Irene market. Who better to back the sale of the clothing than me?! I look forward to this new adventure as it'll allow me more control of the brand at a consumer level and I'll also be able to play, highlight one-off pieces and ultimately take the creative side of SomersetJane to a new place without the confines of our retailers demands.

So on thinking about what sort of collection I'd like to launch with at the market, I needed some initial inspiration. Changes, moving, travel, going on the road, getting face-to-face, consumers, personal, personality, individualism.. A string of thoughts and I had it! Take it to the streets..

If I'm going on the road, why shouldn't the new collection? So I compiled my fave most recent 'street-style' pics that have really got me super amped and bursting with ideas. I never design a piece without the idea of what to wear it with or how it would fit in a fully styled ensemble. I need to visualise the whole picture. Who's wearing what and how are they wearing it? I'm not an 'arty-farty' type that finds inspiration in nature or a building, no. For me it's about real fashion, real people. That's who inspires me, and here they are.

Keep in touch with the SomersetJane facebook page for the latest updates as the collection unfolds.
Stay fabulous fashionistas!
Melissa Jane

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Totally Trending For Tribal

We've seen many designers continuing with a tribal thread from the Fall runway shows into Spring/Summer 2012. Aztec prints, blanket coats, feathers, stacked bangles and turquoise accessories are all key trends following this ethnic influence. It's easy to get swept away though, and I'd hate to see head-to-toe Pocahontas vibes filtering on to the street. A tiny touch of tribal is easier to pull off, taking one item or print and fusing with the rest of your Winter warmers. I found these images that use the Tribal trend in a way that enhances the style they are presenting without detracting from an 'Indie' style that along with tribal, works so well.

Who doesn't love the easy-going attitude of a 60's hippie vibe? I know I do. A printed sweater is a must have this season!

I swear I'd grow out my locks just to sport this braid, I'm in love with the romance in this look. It's not in-your-face, easily recognisable tribal, but the twisted turban and crochet are to die! And I like to say, when you can't quite pin point a specific 'look' to an ensemble, you've reached perfection. Please bow your heads in honour of style..

Gaetano Navarra - Spring 2012
Tribal prints give these sun-ray pleated dresses a punch. I'm also swayed by the hair colour in these shoots.. Definitely  thinking that tribal is a look made for all my 'ginger-sisters' - take note girls.

Stay fabulous fashionistas!

Melissa Jane

Monday, June 4, 2012


Most Mondays, as I awaken to the only day of the week, that somehow, seriously slaps you in the face, it's a struggle to gather strength and face the week with power, poise and pure enthusiasm. On a Monday, the bags under my eyes seem heavier, my hair can't seem to muster the courage to stand at it's tallest, and the excitement I usually feel about getting to work is lost. Not today I decided! I've recently been listening to a whole lot of Stevie Nicks. If ever you need to 'woman-up' or get inspired I highly recommend her. My favourite song of hers (with Fleetwood Mac of course) is Rhiannon. Hauntingly powerful, I've always imagined myself in the song. People often ask what song would be your theme.. Or if you were a fighter about to get in the ring, what song would be the one to get you pumped up and ready to take on the task at hand. Rhiannon is mine. On commenting about the song Nicks said this,
"That song [Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win)] is really straight out of the old Welsh mythology. Rhiannon is the Goddess of Steeds and the Maker of Birds, and her song is a song that takes away pain. When you hear her song, you close your eyes and fall asleep, and when you wake up the pain is gone or the danger is gone and you'll see her three birds flying away. That's the legend. So, whenever I sing the song, I always think of that..."
~Stevie Nicks, Music Connection, 1994

I'm not into any kind of mythology, but for me the notion is beautiful. That you can close your eyes and let music take away your fear and pain. So relative to us all I would think.. And more than that, in the lyrics of the song about this woman I've drawn my own conclusion or 'tale' if you will. And in this it speaks to who I am and more than that where I am. That's what getting inspired is all about. Using all kinds of influences to lose yourself, to remove yourself from reality for a while and on bringing yourself back, are all the better for it. Below are some of the lyrics, I'll leave you to discover your own inspiration in the song. Even better, go listen to it!

Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and
Wouldn't you love to love her?
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and
Who will be her lover?

All your life you've never seen
A woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Will you ever win?

She is like a cat in the dark and then
She is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark and when
The sky is starless

I also found some pieces of info about the song, one site said, 'When Nicks sang this in concert, she did so with a lot of passion. At times, she strained her voice singing it to the point that Fleetwood Mac had to cancel shows so she could recover. It was always a crowd favorite.' Well that was me this morning belting out the tune, a burst of energy I plan to carry through my week. It's me and Stevie, the soundtrack to my week..

Stay fabulous fashionistas!

Melissa Jane