So by complete surprise I opened my email this morning and found a message from a chain of stores in Joburg and Cape Town that would like to look into stocking the SomersetJane label. I was giddy with excitement. For just a second though, as suddenly my smiles dispersed, when i realised what collection was I going to show?! Stores are all on sale and Summer stock is hitting racks, but I've been so consumed by how well things have been going I had forgotten that designing the next season might help in keeping them that way! I've quickly dived in to all the inspirations I've collected as to what's going on in Europe and the international fashion scene, it always guides me well. But on looking through I decided I felt a bit bored, this cut, that cut, peplum shmeplum.. I needed something more, my clothes to have something more.
So being a retro-based brand I looked up some images along those lines and decided to start with a feeling rather than a garment. These scenes speak to me, make me imagine myself within them, perhaps someone different for a day. Ive always believed if an outfit doesn't make you feel something when wearing it, why bother? The same goes for designing, if there isn't an overall feeling within my mindset as I begin a collection, exactly what is the wearer supposed to feel?
Here's a little taste of Summer and a little feeling of the past to make you excited for the future. Just about all that SomersetJane is about..

Here's looking forwrd to a fabulously vintage Summer..
May I use your flower picture as the background for my blog? Thanks(: